Make an Appointment: 918-973-0054 |   [email protected]

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Why Telehealth Only?

My practice is unique in that all services are now offered only through telehealth, meaning that I do not have an office location. We know from the pandemic that telehealth can come in handy when meeting in person is not an option. Some people, both clients and providers, have actually found that they prefer telehealth for therapy sessions! Here are some of the benefits:

·        More comfort at home, or whatever private location you choose for session

·        Control over your environment (lighting, noise, seating, etc)

·        Access to pets and comfort items

·        Time management- no need to commute before and after session

That being said, I know that telehealth is not for everyone or all issues. Many people strictly prefer in-person sessions. If this is you, then I understand! I am happy to talk with you and refer you to a trusted colleague who offers in-person or a combination of in-person and virtual sessions.

How is it done?

To participate in telehealth sessions, you will need a device with internet connection (computer, smart phone, or tablet) and a space where your privacy is protected. You will receive a Zoom link prior to our session, which will remain the same for each follow up session. We will make a plan in our first session for what to do if our session is disconnected. Should you have any issues logging in or prior to our planning, contact me at 918-973-0054.

Keep in Mind

Remember to treat our telehealth session as you would any other appointment. Ensure that you clear the hour on your schedule, and can put aside other tasks and distractions. Please give yourself a few minutes to get logged in and address any technical issues that might arise. On rare occasions, we might encounter an issue we cannot resolve at that time. If this is the case, we will reschedule the session as soon as possible. Please make sure you are in a private space where you will not be interrupted.

Contact me with any questions you may have about telehealth services, or if it is right for you or your child.